Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our New Home- Schweinfurt

So I have had these pictures for a few days now and I have just been too lazy to load them on here. They are not the best but it was extremely hot the day I took them and honestly I was just in a rush to get back into my car with A/C... :) But it will still give you a good idea of what Schweinfurt looks like. It is a beautiful city, although I really have not seen a place here that is ugly. So here it goes....

This is the main street downtown... now when I say main street, they don't actually have driving on these roads. You park on the outskirts and walk into these are where all of the store are... kind of wierd.. but nice...

Now the rest of these are just pretty homes... so you can kind of get the idea of how these people live... they like beauty everywhere...

One last little thing.. this picture below does not look like much.. I did not realize what I was taking a picture of until I got home and was doing some research on WWII, but the building there is Schweinfurts city hall and it was where Hitler gave one of his biggest speeches during the war... very interesting... there wil be more to come in that area since I have a WWII obsession...

Hope you enjoyed the pictures of my new home... more to come this weekend after we visit Nurmburg!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Seehof Palace- Bamburg, Germany

So today we decided to head about 30 minutes south of our home and visit Bamburg. It is a great little town with a beautiful palace right in the middle of it. This palace is called Seehof Palace. The palace was built in 1687 for Prince-Bishop Marquard Sebastian Schenk von Stauffenberg and was then known as Marquardsburg. In 1802 the palace became the property of the state of Bavaria, but it was sold as a private residence in 1840. The private resident was destroying the palace by selling all of the beautiful statues, artwork, and letting the palace deteriorate. So it was bought back by the state of Barvaria in 1975 and they have been restoring it ever since. This palace was absoloutely beautiful and you fill so tiny standing in front of it. Now here are my pictures.. unedited just how I took them. I know they are probably not near as good as Stevens.. but I tried! :)

This is outside of the palace looking at the town of Bamberg...

Front gate to the palace... there are so many beautiful sculptures all around...

The palace right as you walk through the front gate...

The gorgeous courtyard... excuse the sideways pictures.... not sure what is going on...

Two of the many statues...

The water garden....

I hope you enjoyed Seehof Palace from a distance....more pictures to come when we visit downtown Schweinfurt tomorrow!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Arriving in Germany

So after many months of waiting I finally made it to Germany!!!  I flew into Frankfurt and this is what I saw....

Everything here is so beautiful and the buildings are so old with great designs.

After leaving the airport we headed south to our new home of Schweinfurt. But along the way there were some beautiful sights to see that looked like this....

Until we finally arrived in Schweinfurt.... our new home...

There will be more pictures after this weekend since we plan on checking out some local sights and Warzburg right down the road and when I get my house into shape I will get lots of pictures posted for you to see....

Until then I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!